September 1, 2022

Alternative Cannabinoids

360 Degrees of Wellness: 6 Ways Cannabinoids Elevate Your Health & Happiness

What do cannabinoids have to do with a 360 degrees approach to a healthy & happy life? These 6 ways cannabinoids can upgrade your wellness may surprise you.

Wellness is so much more than staying physically healthy. It’s a 360 degrees approach to making choices for a healthy and happy life, where you feel and function at your best.

At Koi, we believe cannabinoids can help you solve life’s challenges and support you on your journey to health and happiness.

What do cannabinoids like CBD, Delta-8 THC, HHC, CBG, and others have to do with wellness? Your body's designed to work with cannabinoids that come from hemp, and they can be incredibly valuable for living a healthier and happier life.

Here are some of the ways how:

You Stay on Balance, No Matter What Life Throws Your Way

We get this question pretty often: Why should I take CBD?

The best way to think about CBD is that it promotes a sense of balance and calm.

Maintaining internal balance is essential to feel and function at your best. When your body’s systems are in a state of equilibrium, they cooperate more efficiently. This means you can adjust to fluctuations more quickly so you feel more centered, think and focus with better acuity, and sleep more soundly.
You may have heard some remarkable things about CBD, but it all comes down to this plant-derived cannabinoid's balance-promoting properties. How does it work?

When absorbed by the body, it interacts with receptors to stimulate your endocannabinoid system, a large regulatory network responsible for keeping a long list of functions in homeostasis.

You Prioritize Relaxation & Stress Relief

Feeling overwhelmed? The truth is, everyone feels stressed from time to time. But long-term stress left unchecked can contribute to many health problems.

Relaxation on the other hand improves blood flow and reduces wear and tear on the mind and body. That’s why it’s so important to leave yourself time to relax, especially if you tend to keep a jam-packed schedule.

Hemp-derived cannabinoids like Delta-8 THC and THC-O can help you let go of the day’s stresses, uplift your mood, and give you feelings of calm and happiness.

Like CBD, these cannabinoids help with stress relief by interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system, but in different ways to elicit noticeably elevating effects.

You Focus on What's Important

Focus may not be what immediately comes to mind when considering wellness, but it plays a crucial piece in living a happier, more fulfilling life.

Whatever you focus on in life, you move toward. Focus allows you to do better quality, more creative work.

While many factors influence our ability to focus, hemp cannabinoids like CBG and THCV can help you dial in and find your flow. Many people report a sense of enhanced alertness and a greater capacity for focus and attention after using CBG and THCV.
And when you're looking for energy-escalating effects to take on a long to-do list or to dial in on a seemingly overwhelming creative project, Delta-10 THC has noticeable uplifting effects that have been known to increase drive and motivation.

When you’re faced with an activity that requires improved concentration, CBG, THCV, and Delta-10 THC may help you clear your mental fog and feel more alert.

You Experience More Restful, Restorative Sleep

You know it, we know it. Sleep is an essential part of your wellness (just as or even more important than healthy eating and regular exercise).

Your body and mind won’t feel or function well without proper sleep, period! Many people find that their physical and mental well-being improves when their sleep improves.

Small changes in everyday behaviors – like avoiding caffeine and screens close to bedtime and unwinding in the evenings – can impact how fast you fall asleep and whether you stay asleep. Some cannabinoids, such as CBD and CBN, can help you unwind at night, sleep more soundly, and feel more rested when you wake up. CBN is known for its relaxing, sleepy properties that can make sleep more restful.

That's why we're not at all surprised that nearly 20% of people who use our Koi cannabinoid products say they're looking for better sleep. what are cannabinoids good for

You Ease Tension and Enjoy Discomfort Relief

Everyday discomfort can understandably impact how well you feel, both physically and mentally. It can limit your ability to move and be active and interferes with daily life.

When used topically, cannabinoids like CBD can provide targeted relief to sore muscles and tendons and help encourage faster recovery. CBD diffuses through the skin and interacts with nearby cannabinoid receptors to encourage the endocannabinoid system to respond to issues related to discomfort.

There are even products like our Koi CBD Pain Relieving Roll-On, which combines CBD to nourish your skin and support muscle recovery with pain-relieving menthol to address issues like backache, arthritis, strains, bruises, and sprains.

You Support Better Social Connections and Interactions

Social connection is more important to our wellness than you might think. While loneliness and social isolation are linked to poorer health, strong social ties are linked to a wide range of positive health outcomes.

Are you finding it hard to connect (or have lost friends after years of shutdowns and social distancing like many Americans)? Some cannabinoids may help support social interactions and reduce the uneasiness you may feel while around others. People have used cannabinoids for social reasons for thousands of years.

Cannabinoids like HHC can make social activities even more enjoyable because it offers a sense of calm and lifts spirits without being overly intense.

360 Degrees of Wellness and Cannabinoids

Total and complete wellness involves many more things than simply physical health. Staying in balance, taking time to relax, focusing on what’s important, sleeping well, easing everyday discomforts, and building strong social connections all contribute to our well-being. Consider giving cannabinoids a try and see if they can help you elevate your health and happiness.

Reach out if you have questions on how cannabinoids can help point the way to a fuller, more balanced life. You can connect with us directly at, and we’ll help you find the right cannabinoid for any situation.
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